In this season, we are “supposed” to enjoy giving to friends, families and folks that are less fortunate.  So what if you’re not feelin it?  Maybe you’re tired, stressed or just feel like there’s not enough of you to go around.

Remember that giving doesn’t just apply to others.  It applies to you too!

One of the quickest ways that I have found to “ramp” myself up enough to get motivated to shop or create gifts for others, is to give to myself.

Scandalous, I know, but have you tried it?

It seems to be a whole lot easier do search for that perfect gift for my friend or family member, when I’ve gone for a walk, taken a bath, gotten a massage, taken a yoga class..[fill in your own blank here]

So as you start thinking about your list and who need to buy what for and that feeling of overwhelm starts to creep in, remember we can only truly give to others, what we are willing to give to ourselves.

Generosity comes more easily when our own well is full!  When we take the time to nurture our mind, body, spirit as well as our dreams, we have more whether-withal to give with a big heart.

I recently read a story about a woman who defined being beautiful as being “Full of Beauty”.  For this reason, she made it a point and a priority to see and experience beautiful things so she would take them in and be full of…well, Beauty!  By filling up, she became beauty-full.

What can you do today, this week, this month or in 2018 to fill your own beauty bucket?  Or well-being bucket? Or happiness, joy, dreams, play and imagination bucket?

A lot of people I talk to would like to have more health, vibrancy, money, business, beauty, travel etc. in their lives.  The ones who get there, are the ones that are willing to make this a priority…even when its a “stretch” to do so.  How much resistance do you have around prioritizing and loving yourself?


Its never going to be the right time or the perfect circumstances to give more to you.  Its up to you to choose it anyways!  If that is what you really desire.  Check out a program I created to support you pursuing more of what you were born to do in 2018!

Please leave a comment!  I’d love to hear more about what you truly desire for yourself (if money, time and circumstances were not an issue)…


Happy Giving !



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