Ultimate Inner Queen 6 Week Challenge

Are you a Creative, Health Conscious, Mom Boss?
How are you supposed to feel good in your body if you’re stressed out all the time. 😱
And is it actually possible to take care of yourself without taking time away from your family?! 🤯
I bet you’ve tried gym memberships, maybe even yoga classes, meditation or a cleanse or two… And nothing has quite stuck with you, right?
How do you find the ⏰ TIME ⏰ to food shop, prep, meditate and exercise… if you’re a Mom and building your business?
How do you justify spending money on an expensive yoga studio membership if you barely go?
😨 Why’s it so nerve-racking to ‘add another thing’ when I’m juggling so much already?
And what about this whole nutrition thing…?!
❓ Should I be changing the way I eat?
❓ Or maybe cutting out gluten or dairy?
❓ Do you need to be buying pricey supplements?
❓ If so, how do you know which ones actually work?
Is the constant battle to be healthy really worth it?
Can you really get Your Life Back without dropping one of the many balls you’re juggling.
🤔 And when should you have a cheat day? (And how the heck do you even do it?)
🤔 Do you even have the willpower to keep going consistently?
🤔 Are you doing cardio or strength training? How often?
🤔 What about yoga or meditation?
🤔 Do you mix it up…or are you best sticking to the same thing?
If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.
Hey, it’s Suzy McCalley here… 👋
And, while I don’t claim to know it all, I HAVE helped MANY health conscious and creative Mompreneurs transform their body & life by creating a sustainable step by step action plan. They call themselves Queens 💪
And yet…
Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.
Those early days were rough.
I’d take a step forward only to take three more back. I was a mess – drowning in anxiety, stress, feeling depressed, losing my temper, doubting myself and my dreams and doing WAY too much.
Anyways, if that’s kinda how you feel right now…
Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to a beautiful life and body that you can be proud of.
Let me show you that you can Get Your Life Back and Feel Good in Your Body Again 💪
👇 Here is what I’m proposing. 👇
I’ve had a TONNE of Mompreneurs reach out to me asking for my help.
So I had this crazy idea to build a step by step plan to guide you from mess to feeling great in your body in 6 Weeks.
No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from gross to yum – in your body and your life
💪 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: Ultimate Inner Queen 6 Week Challenge 💪
I am looking for 12 Health Conscious and Creative Entrepreneur Moms who are sick of being stressed out all the time and are ready to take back control.
On Monday, May 18th, 2020 these founding members will start working closely with me to achieve feeling amazing in your body. I will not let you fail.
Does that sound exciting to you?
Would you LOVE to stop feeling like crap yourself and your body and start taking the right steps towards FINALLY getting your LIFE and your BODY Back?
Those 12 Founding Members will get:
✅ Inner Queen Quick Start, Fire Up Fierce, Whole Body Beautiful, Confident Core, Freedom Ritual, Live Your Inner Queen (IQ) so that you can feel good about yourself, proud of your parenting and grow the business of your dreams.
👉 The Challenge follows the Inner Queen Method, which is a unique system to achieve optimum health in body and mind. The IQ Method is a unique combination of meditation, movement and holistic health tools to help you achieve freedom in your body, mind and spirit.
✅ Weekly Group Coaching calls to Personalize your Plan
✅ 6 Week Mindful Meal Plan to Maximize Your Results
✅ Accountability Online Check in Group So You Don’t Quit Until You See Results
✅ Creative Care App so you can get your yoga, meditation and self care practices ON – anytime!
The best part is, I typically charge a premium for folks to work with me but I am offering special pricing for Founding Members!
Interested in feeling great in your body?
Click here to fill out a short form:
It’s that simple.
Suzy McCalley
PS: You may be thinking… What’s the catch? Well there is no catch. I’m simply looking to test out my new program and get some killer testimonials before releasing it to the wider public at the price it deserves.
PPS: There are only 12 spots available as founding members for Ultimate Inner Queen 6 Week Challenge so if this sounds like you, don’t wait!